As of 6/1/24, over 550 Program Graduates and over 10,000 training attendees! 


WHC has led hundreds of Business Owners through our entrepreneur curriculum via our programs with Anne Arundel County, Charles County, Baltimore City, and Talbot County, Maryland. Plus, our curriculum is used by the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Our process for growing businesses is considered the best in the country because of its economic impact and measurable results.

Listen to what the Anne Arundel County Executive had to say about the effectiveness of our entrepreneurship program:



Testimonials from our County Government and University Clients

“Will Holmes Consulting has been instrumental in delivering the Business Growth Advantage Program, providing practical knowledge and tools that have significantly contributed to business growth in Charles County, Maryland. The program effectively addressed various aspects, from financial insights to marketing strategies, enabling small business owners to make informed decisions. WHC’s expertise and support have played a pivotal role in driving positive outcomes for Charles County businesses.” -August 1, 2023. Lucretia Freeman-Buster, Charles County Economic Development

“WHC developed the Inclusive Ventures Program curriculum for Anne Arundel County and has facilitated all 8 cohorts. This is the top program in Anne Arundel County. With nearly 100 graduates, and over 85% adding jobs and increasing revenue within 6 months of graduation, the program is having a profound economic impact on the county. We are proud to partner with WHC and we plan to continue to the IVP program into the future.” –August 1, 2023. Barbara Quaye, IVP Project Manager, Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation

“This year’s Community Consulting Lab for the Office of Experiential Learning has exploded in waves of impact that are in major part due to the partnership with Will. The charge was to reimagine a virtual experience that boosted the value for small business owners and students and Will knew exactly what to do. He revised his curriculum for the business owners, added a new consulting component for students, and built accountability measures to ensure success. The students received real-world application on how to lead as a consultant and reach the needs of Baltimore business owners. The owners gained confidence in truly learning the numbers of their business and overcome the pitfalls that lead to business failure. I’m excited to take this to the next level because he just handles everything with confidence, accuracy, and grace.” -July 12, 2021. Tracy Akinade, Assistant Director of Innovation and Impact at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School


Testimonials from our Program Participants



The WHC Entrepreneurship Curriculum has been utilized by multiple government agencies including the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Small Business Administration, Anne Arundel County, MD, Charles County, MD, Talbot County, MD; universities including Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and Morgan State University Earl Graves School of Business; and financial institutions including Goldman Sachs, M&T Bank, FSC First, and Truist.
The online, 8-week curriculum is supported by a team of senior consultants with specialties in operations, sales, marketing, leadership, strategic planning, financial projections, human resources, accounting and business law. 
WHC provides an award-winning curriculum that is proven to create increases in revenue, add more jobs and deliver a positive impact on the local economy. Contact us to learn more. 
WHC’s Curriculum Topics: 
  • Week One: Introductions, Program Orientation, and Intro to Cash Flow Projections
  • Week Two: Building a Sustainable Organization’s Infrastructure
  • Week Three: Leading People and Planning for Growth
  • Week Four: Marketing and Selling Business to Consumer, Business to Business and Business to Government
  • Week Five: Essentials of Accounting, Human Resources and Taxes
  • Week Six: Preparing for Capital and Essential Documentation
  • Week Seven: Presentation Practice
  • Week Eight: Final Presentations and Graduation

WHC serves multiple government agencies, universities, large non-profits and financial institutions, providing an award-winning curriculum that is proven to create increases in revenue, more jobs and a positive impact on the local economy. WHC is DBE, SBE, MBE Certified for Federal, State and Local Government Contracts. 

Current WHC Entrepreneur Curriculum Programs:

Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School Community Consulting Lab

As a prime contractor, WHC supports the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School through the Office of Experiential Learning’s Community Consulting Lab. WHC promotes the program to the business community and recruits businesses to participate. WHC also provides management and technology consulting to the MBA and MS students who advise the participating businesses. This is a multi-year contract. The next cohort is scheduled for February 2024. So far, we have worked with over 100 businesses and over 200 MBA students. For more information and to apply, contact Tracy Akinade at .

Anne Arundel County Economic Development Inclusive Ventures Program (IVP)

As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the Anne Arundel County Economic Development Inclusive Ventures Program. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. We offer this program in English and Spanish. This is a multi-year contract. So far, we have graduated over 100 business owners. For more information and to apply, click here

Charles County Business Growth Advantage Program (BGAP)

As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the Charles County Economic Development Business Growth Advantage Program. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Charles County, Maryland. This is a multi-year contract. So far, we have graduated over 100 business owners. For more information and to apply, click here

U.S. Small Business Administration National Disability Institute Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator (NDI-EGA)

As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the U.S. Small Business Administration National Disability Institute Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners identifying as having a disability how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs across the USA. So far, we have graduated over 40 business owners. This is a multi-year contract starting in 2023. 

Talbot County Talbot Works Business Academy

As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the Talbot County Business Accelerator. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Talbot County, Maryland. This is a multi-year contract. Click here to learn more and apply. The next class starts in September 2024.

30 Steps for Startups (TM)

30 Steps for Startups (TM) is a free, 5-week, online program for new entrepreneurs who want to avoid costly mistakes and reach profitability faster. This step-by-step system is based on 20 years of Business Advisor Will Holmes, working with entrepreneurs, helping them to create solutions to their business challenges. Since 2016, this curriculum, in various iterations, has helped thousands of business owners increase revenue and add jobs in their communities. This program is fully funded by WHC and offered to participants at no cost through the Baltimore Economic Leadership League. So far, we have graduated over 50 business owners. This program is also offered through various programs through counties and financial institutions across the country. The next class starts in January 2025. Click here to apply. 

Scaling $1 to $1 Million (TM)

Scaling $1 to $1 Million is a free, 8-week, online program for established entrepreneurs who want to scale their businesses, add jobs and increase profitability. This advanced level program is based on 20 years of Business Advisor Will Holmes, working with entrepreneurs, helping them to create solutions to their business challenges. Since 2016, this curriculum, in various iterations, has helped thousands of business owners increase revenue and add jobs in their communities. This program is also offered through various programs through counties and financial institutions across the country. Additionally, we offer a one-day crash course. For more information, contact us at 

Money Maryland (TM) 

The Money Maryland (TM) series is produced in partnership with Anne Arundel County Economic Development Corporation, the Charles County Economic Development Department, Talbot County Economic Development, the Maryland SBDC, M&T Bank, The Baltimore Economic Leadership League and Will Holmes Consulting (WHC). Money Maryland expo attendees can expect multiple rooms of free training sessions, panel discussions, interactive sessions and vendor tables filled with key information to help Maryland residents access free resources, workforce training, loans, grants and support for small businesses.  Click here for more information. 

Baltimore Economic Leadership League Micro Loan Program

Recipients of micro loans through the Baltimore Economic Leadership League are paired with a WHC Senior Advisor. The advisor provides support during the loan repayment period that normally spans 24 months. The Advisor answers business questions and helps with pricing, marketing and connections to additional resources. This partnership has ensured that loan recipients have the tools they need to repay the loan and make the money available for the next recipient. Click here for more information.

Consulting on Demand Technical Assistance Program
We offer online or in-person classes, on-demand consulting sessions and 8-week cohorts. We can work in conjunction with your existing technical assistance solution, adding subject matter experts, curriculum, training and support to meet the needs of your small business community. Our team consists of subject matter experts in all aspects of business growth including human resources, law, accounting, finance, branding, marketing, sales, operations, government contracting, e-commerce, manufacturing, supply-chain, logistics, technology and leadership. All of our subject matter experts are entrepreneurs with at minimum, 15 years of experience. We can customize the level of support needed for your target community of entrepreneurs. For more information, contact us at 

Sample Training Session: 

Planning the Budget for the Growth of Your Business



Past WHC Curriculum Programs: 

Morgan State University Earl Graves School of Business 

As a prime contractor, WHC supported Morgan State University Earl Graves School of Business.  WHC promoted entrepreneurship programs to the business community and recruited businesses to participate. WHC also developed the curriculum for the Baltimore Means Business Entrepreneur Growth Program, funded by the Baltimore Small Business Support Fund. WHC also taught the 7 online sessions. WHC completed this contract in 2021, graduating over 60 business owners. 

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses

As a prime contractor, WHC supported the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program with digital marketing and promotions to established business owners in Maryland. WHC also developed a 3-week Capacity Growth Workshops curriculum for rejected applicants to assist them with increasing their sales in order to reapply. WHC completed this contract in 2021 serving over 50 applicants.

Baltimore Economic Leadership League and Revival Baltimore BRB Program 

As a sponsor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the BELL Revival Business Program. WHC developed the 6 week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Maryland. This is part of WHC’s community outreach and commitment to entrepreneurship. So far, we have graduated over 60 business owners.

Summary of Experience: 

Since 2006, WHC has successfully created curriculum, entrepreneur training programs, videos and strategy for: 

  • The U.S. Department of Defense (The DoD Velociter program for SBIR grant technology companies)
  • The U.S. Small Business Administration (Marketing Essentials, Startup Essentials and Government Contracting)
  • The U.S. Department of Commerce (Preparing for Capital with the Minority Business Development Agency)
  • The U.S. Department of Treasury (Plan for Increasing HBCU Participation in Government Contracting)
  • The Maryland Small Business Development Center (Marketing Essentials, Government Contracting and Pivoting Post Covid-19)
  • The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (Video on improving the government contracting pipeline)
  • The Johns Hopkins University Carey School of Business (Mentoring of MBA students, training and development)
  • Morgan State University Earl Graves School of Business (Baltimore Means Business Entrepreneurship Growth Program)
  • The Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce (Mentoring of business owners, training and professional development)
  • Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses and Bloomberg Philanthropies (Growth Capacity Workshops, Marketing Essentials, Preparing for Capital)
  • StartupAfrica (2 day Annual Women’s Conference in Kilifi, Kenya followed by a half day of training at Kabete Polytechnic in Nairobi, Kenya)
  • Charles County BGAP (8 Week Online Program for Business Owners in Charles County, MD)
  • Anne Arundel County IVP (8 Week Online Program for Business Owners in Anne Arundel County, MD)
  • National Disability Institute Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator (nationwide) 
  • Talbot County TCB (8 Week Online Program for Business Owners in Talbot County, MD)
  • FSC First (8-week series on Accessing Capital)
  • M&T Bank (Training on various topics)
  • TRUIST (Support of the Baltimore Economic Leadership League Micro Loan program)


For more information, please use the contact form below.