You are taking the steps to gain control of your business finances. If you can determine the costs associated with generating $100k in revenue, you can determine the costs associated with generating $10 million. It is all in the numbers! Just remember, it’s not just what you generate in sales. It’s what you keep (profit) after expenses that truly matters!
With this tool, you will immediately have insight into:
- Your monthly expenses
- Your monthly revenue sources
- Your busy seasons and slow seasons
- When you should hire
- Your average cost per sale
- Your average profit per month
- Your average profit for sale
- Your projected profit margin
- Your projected profit for the next 12 months
- When to seek capital and how much you should request
WHC has led hundreds of Business Owners through our entrepreneur curriculum via our programs with Anne Arundel County, Charles County, Baltimore City, and Talbot County, Maryland. Plus, our curriculum is used by the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Our process for growing businesses is considered the best in the country because of its economic impact and measurable results.
Listen to what the Anne Arundel County Executive had to say about the effectiveness of our entrepreneurship program:
As you project the growth of your business, you’ll be able to determine when you’ll need a loan or line of credit to help you cover costs during slow times, to hire people or buy equipment. This is a tool for you to understand your current financial situation, access capital and plan the growth of your business over the next 12 months. Plus, you can use this easy-to-use tool to talk to lenders and investors about how you’ll grow.
Be creative and have fun thinking of ways you can make more money, add jobs and truly have an impact on your local economy. Use the “Projected 12 Months” and the “Action Plan” tabs to fine tune your projections and plan for growth.
You also receive a complimentary tutorial video on how to use the tool to plan the growth of your business.
Once again, Congratulations!