What are WHC’s office hours? WHC is open for online consultations from 9am to 5pm Monday through Thursday by appointment only. In-person meetings must be scheduled with WHC Leadership. Send us a message at https://whcusa.com/contact/ or schedule a consultation with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/schedule/5b48bc12/?categories[]=Zoom%20Sessions%20with%20Founder%2C%20Will%20Holmes
How do I schedule a consultation? Send us a message at https://whcusa.com/contact/ or schedule a consultation with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/schedule/5b48bc12/?categories[]=Zoom%20Sessions%20with%20Founder%2C%20Will%20Holmes
What is WHC? What does WHC stand for? WHC stands for Will Holmes Consulting. It does not stand for WHC Consulting. Just Will Holmes Consulting. Learn more at https://whcusa.com/
When was WHC founded? How long has WHC been in business? WHC was founded by Will Holmes in January of 2006. Learn more at https://whcusa.com/
Who are WHC’s clients? WHC’s clients are government agencies, banks, universities, large non-profit organizations, economic development departments, growing companies, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. See our client portfolio at https://whcusa.com/work/
What are WHC’s services? WHC offers management consulting, new technology implementations, project management, process change, customized training programs, entrepreneurship training programs, artificial intelligence AI solutions, coaching and brokering of commercial loans. See our list of services at https://whcusa.com/services-3/
What is “Find a Need. Fill A Need. Get Paid.?” Find a Need. Fill A Need. Get Paid. is a 236-page book written by WHC Founder, Will Holmes. It covers the steps involved in finding a need in the market, planning a business that fills that need, and creating the infrastructure for a sustainable business that creates jobs and allows the owner to live fully and retire comfortably. The book can be downloaded at https://whcusa.com/downloads/
What is “30 Steps for Startups?” is a curriculum written by WHC Founder, Will Holmes. It covers the steps involved in finding a need in the market, planning a business that fills that need, and creating the infrastructure for a sustainable business that creates jobs and allows the owner to live fully and retire comfortably. Many government agencies contract WHC to teach this curriculum to start-up businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is “Scaling $1 to $1 Million?” Scaling $1 to $1 Million is a curriculum written by WHC Founder, Will Holmes. It covers the steps involved in scaling the infrastructure of a business to generating over $84,000 per month, creating SOPs and hiring staff that run the day-to-day so the owner can have more time to live more fully and retire comfortably. Many government agencies contract WHC to teach this curriculum to successful business who want to scale past $3 million. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is “Money Maryland?” Money Maryland is a series of free regional expos committed to connecting Maryland residents to important local and state resources. Each regional expo offers different resources and opportunities. The Money Maryland (TM) series was developed by Will Holmes Consulting (WHC) and is produced in partnership with Anne Arundel County Economic Development Corporation, the Charles County Economic Development Department, Talbot County Economic Development and Tourism, and the Baltimore Economic Leadership League (BELL). Money Maryland expo attendees can expect free learning sessions, interactive panel discussions, and connections to free resources, workforce training, loans, grants, and support for small businesses. Free parking and free refreshments are available for Money Maryland attendees. You must register for each expo you plan to attend. Learn more at https://whcusa.com/money-maryland/
What is Money Baltimore?” Money Baltimore is a free annual conference, developed by Will Holmes, Founder of WHC. The conference is designed to connect people to the resources and information they need to be successful. We adjust the focus each year based on the needs of businesses in Baltimore. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is “Baltimore Means Business?” is a curriculum written by WHC Founder, Will Holmes. It covers the steps involved in finding a need in the market, planning a business that fills that need, and creating the infrastructure for a sustainable business that creates jobs and allows the owner to live fully and retire comfortably. WHC developed this curriculum and then created a program at Morgan State University Earl Graves School of Business. WHC taught this program to aspiring business owners for 2 cohorts. There were 60 graduates. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses? WHC Founder, Will Holmes served as Outreach and represented the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program in Maryland. For the first four years of the program, he was responsible for recruiting new qualified applicants, leading Open Houses, hosting informational webinars and representing the organization in an official capacity at select events. He was tasked with the quality and quantity of applicants in Maryland.
Who has recognized WHC? What awards has WHC won? WHC has been recognized for community service and economic impact by
- The U.S. Small Business Administration
- The Governor of Maryland
- The Comptroller of Maryland
- The Maryland General Assembly
- The Mayor’s Office of the City of Baltimore
- The Baltimore City Council
- The Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
- United States Senator Chris Van Hollen
- United States Senator Ben Cardin
- Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz
- The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development
- The University of Baltimore Merrick School of Business
- The Greater Baltimore Leadership Association
- Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship
- Baltimore Urban Alliance
- American Cancer Society
- Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Did WHC will business of the year? Yes, WHC was chosen as the 2024 U.S. Small Business Administration Maryland Minority Business of the Year for its impact on the Maryland economy, and the creation of jobs through its work with entrepreneurs. Learn more at https://whcusa.com/2024-sba-maryland-minority-small-business-of-the-year-award/
Who is WHC’s Founder? Who is Will Holmes? When did he start WHC? Will Holmes is the Founder of WHC. Will Holmes has helped thousands of entrepreneurs since he founded WHC in 2006. He is an award-winning business advisor who leads his consulting firm, WHC. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce. He is Entrepreneur in Residence at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. He is Founder of the Baltimore Economic Leadership League. Additionally, his award-winning curriculum “Find A Need. Fill A Need. Get Paid.” is taught to hundreds of business owners each year through his firm’s contracts with the U.S. Small Business Administration, The National Disability Institute, Anne Arundel County, Charles County, Talbot County and the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Will is considered as one of the best business management consultants in the United States.
Holmes has more than 20 years of experience helping organizations increase revenue and efficiency by streamlining existing processes, creating new systems and providing marketing strategy and customized training to executives and staff. In 2006, he founded WHC, a business management and technology consulting firm, serving government agencies, nonprofit organizations and hundreds of small and growing companies across the globe. In 2021, Will founded the Baltimore Economic Leadership League, a 501c3 non-profit organization that raises funds to support small, minority, woman-owned and rural businesses across Maryland.
Will Holmes is committed to providing business owners the training and support they need to access capital, increase revenue, add jobs and have a positive impact on the Maryland economy.
What is the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School Community Consulting Lab? As a prime contractor, WHC supports the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School through the Office of Experiential Learning’s Community Consulting Lab. WHC promotes the program to the business community and recruits businesses to participate. WHC also provides management and technology consulting to the MBA and MS students who advise the participating businesses. This is a multi-year contract. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is the Anne Arundel County Economic Development Inclusive Ventures Program (IVP)? As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the Anne Arundel County Economic Development Inclusive Ventures Program. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. We offer this program in English and Spanish. This is a multi-year contract. Visit https://www.aaedc.org/inclusive-ventures-program/ or contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is the Charles County Business Growth Advantage Program (BGAP)? As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the Charles County Economic Development Business Growth Advantage Program. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Charles County, Maryland. This is a multi-year contract. So far, we have graduated over 100 business owners. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is the U.S. Small Business Administration National Disability Institute Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator (NDI-EGA)? As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the U.S. Small Business Administration National Disability Institute Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners identifying as having a disability how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs across the USA. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
What is the Talbot County Talbot Works Business Academy (TWBA)? As a prime contractor, WHC developed the curriculum and facilitates the Talbot County Business Accelerator. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs in Talbot County, Maryland. This is a multi-year contract. Visit https://whcusa.com/talbot-works/ or contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
Does WHC have a program in Dorchester County? Yes, starting in 2025. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
Does WHC have a program in Caroline County? Yes, starting in 2025. WHC developed the 8-week, online program, teaches the core concepts and organizes Subject Matter Experts to contribute as panelists. The purpose is to teach business owners how to scale and increase revenue so they can create jobs. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/
Does WHC have a program in Prince George’s County? Yes, through FSC First. WHC develops curriculum for workshops, expos, bootcamps and cohorts for entrepreneurs in Prince George’s County who want to grow, create jobs and access capital. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/ or visit https://fscfirst.com/
What is the Park Heights Visionaries program? The Innovation Hub: Entrepreneurship Training for Park Heights Visionaries is designed for Park Heights Residents and those who have a business in Park Heights in Baltimore, Maryland. The objective is to teach, strengthen, and prepare entrepreneurs for success so they can have a positive economic impact within the Park Heights community. Graduates are expected to grow their business in Park Heights and hire Park Heights residents. Contact WHC to learn more at https://whcusa.com/contact/ or visit https://whcusa.com/application-park-heights-visionaries/