You made it to the semi-finals! What does that mean? You are in the group of top applicants, BUT we need to ask you a few more questions before we select the final 25. The final 25 companies will have the opportunity to work with the MBA students over 6 months, for free in our Community Consulting Lab (CCL).

First, read the CCL Program Expectations. Then, complete the form at the bottom of this page. Our final selections will be based on your answers!


Here are the program expectations we have for you as clients of the CCL.

1. You will be expected to attend Saturday, November 9th, 9am to 5pm; this will be a day of workshops and a day to meet the student consultants. After meeting these students, you will submit your student team preferences and be matched soon after.
2. You will be expected to set aside approximately an hour each week to talk/ meet with your consultant team. This is how you can get the best use out of this opportunity.
3. May 1st, 2020 is when the final deliverable will be presented to you, the exact time will be discussed later.
4. May 15th, 2020 is the final celebration evening. Please set aside 5pm to 8pm to attend.

IMPORTANT- Please read these instructions!

In the form below, please click if you can meet the program expectations. Then, please rate the statements as they relate to your business. The rating is from 1 to 10 Stars. 1 Star means the statement doesn’t apply to your business. 10 Stars means it absolutely applies to your business. In between 1 and 10 means it somewhat applies. After you rate the statements, you will see a final field. Please give us insight as to why you rated the statements they way you did. Your answer will help us determine what help you need, so please give us great details.

Please take time to complete the form below before midnight on October 18th, 2019. Our selection will be based solely on your answers. We look forward to working with you!

-Will Holmes, WHC