Will Holmes founded WHC in 2006. His specialties are startups, revenue generation, marketing, sales, fundraising, business development, CRM implementation, training and development. Click here to learn more about Will Holmes.

Kimberly Jenkins Anthony, MBA, PMP- Specialties: Project Management, Business Processes, Business Technology

Jeff Bryce, MBA- Specialties: Business Plan Development, Market Research, Royalty Collection and Intellectual Property

Lynn Jenkins- Specialties: Government Relations, Business Development, Government Contracting and Management Consulting

Tatiana Nelson-Joseph- Specialties: Program Coordination, Project Management , Negotiations and Marketing

Dr. Rhonda Farrell, CISSP, CSSLP, CMQ/OE, CSQE, CCMP, CMAP, Prosci Certified Change Practitioner, Workforce Development, Management and Technical Consulting.

Jason Bass- Specialties: Marketing, Event Promotion, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management

Calvin Holmes- Specialties: Video Capture/ Editing/ Production, Sound and Audio Visual, Music Production

Dr. Laura Williams- Specialties: Ghostwriting, Strategic Messaging, Speech and Presentation Coaching

Steve Braun, MBA- Specialties: Staffing, Employment, Consulting, Contract staffing, Management Staffing, HR/ Diversity/ Social Responsibility, Internships, Professional Development and Training

Erastus Mong'are- Specialties: Startups, African Commerce, International Trade and Government Relations

Rennard Brown- Specialties: Business Growth and Operations, Project Management and Process Improvement

Tian McPherson- Specialties: Secure cloud-based workplace, Help Desk Automation and Business Process Automation

Sahmra Stevenson, Esq.- Specialties: Business Law, Contracts, Intellectual Property, Remote Work, Business Processes

Dr. Johnetta Thurston- Specialties: Human Resources Law, People and Performance Management, Recruiting and Hiring

Catherine Wright- Specialties: Bookkeeping, Tax Preparation, Financial Statements, Tax Debt Negotiation

Dr. Imani L. Coles | Director of Operations- Specialties: Technical Consulting, Project Management, Workflow Optimization