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For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Grow


You are reading this because you are ready to grow. We are excited to work with you.

WHC has helped hundreds of companies thrive since 2006 through standard fee based consulting. But through the WHC Ventures program, we invest our time and resources to grow your company. We are compensated by sharing in the new sales revenue we help create. You maintain 100% control and ownership. We simply share in the sales revenue.

Benefits:  Your company's revenue grows without you putting up your money to pay us. You receive an experienced team of subject matter experts all dedicated to your growth. You go farther faster than you would alone.

Interested?  Submit the form below and we will schedule a call to discuss how we can make money together.

Dedicated Team of Experts

Your growing company needs management support, legal advice, accounting help and technical consulting. We can help.

Revenue Growth

Your growing company's revenue growth is dependent on better processes, better execution and more sales. We can help.

Connections to Resources

Your growing company needs more contracts, greater access to capital and better connections to resources. We can help.

"It's time to take it to the next level..."

You should be proud of your progress thus far. But, you know you can only grow so much without additional help. You want more. It is time to enlist the help of growth experts who know how to build successful companies. Your dreams deserve it.

Simple Terms

There is no money upfront. There are no hidden costs. WHC will help you grow your business. In return, we receive 10 percent of sales revenue each month. The greater the growth, the more we all benefit.

Next Steps

Still interested? Complete the form below. Your information is confidential. After you submit your information you will receive a confirmation email with a link to schedule a call with our team. We look forward to speaking with you.