WHC is your growth partner in 2024! Let’s work together to ensure your planning makes sense and your pricing makes you a profit on every sale. Whether you offer products or services to consumers, other businesses or to the government, we can help.
Can you confidently answer yes to these questions?
Are you sure that your prices reflect ALL your expenses and a reasonable profit?
Are you planning for growth and making your customers pay for future investments every time they buy from you?
Are you sure your sales projections are attainable and will truly allow you to live the lifestyle you want?
Are you paying yourself regularly?
If no, WHC can help you. Here are some options…
If you prefer to do the research, analysis and implementation yourself, sign up for PROFITABILITY COACHING below.
If you prefer to have WHC do the research, analysis and create formal recommendations on your pricing and projections for 2024, sign up for PROFITABILITY PLANNING below.
If you have questions, please click here to schedule a Zoom call with WHC Founder, Will Holmes to learn more.
OPTION ONE- $99 per month
For $99 per month, you meet 2 times per month with a WHC consultant to discuss how you will grow your business in 2024. We will help you establish your annual and quarterly profit goals and help you analyze your expenses and revenue opportunities. We will guide you through the growth process and push you to hit your goals. You can end the program at any time. Sign up at the bottom of this page.
OPTION TWO- $199 per month
For $199 per month, you meet weekly with a WHC consultant to discuss how you will grow your business in 2024. We will help you establish your annual and quarterly profit goals and help you analyze your expenses and revenue opportunities. We will guide you through the growth process and push you to hit your goals. You can end the program at any time. Sign up at the bottom of this page.
For a one-time payment of $499, we work with you to create a 12-month projection you can use to plan your sales goals, budget for your monthly expenses, and hit your profit goal. The final projections we will create for you will have a completed 12-month cash flow projection with recommendations on budgeting, sales goals and pricing. You will provide us with details on your expenses and past sales data so that we can have more reasonable projections. We may also require 2 to 3 meetings via Zoom to ask you questions and present the final document. Sign up at the bottom of this page.
For a one-time payment of $999, we work with you to create a 12-month, 24-month and 36-month projection you can use to plan your sales goals, budget for your monthly expenses, and hit your profit goal. The final projections we will create for you will have a completed 3- year cash flow projection with profitability projections, an Executive Summary, recommended market strategy, and explanation of your projected expenses and revenue opportunities. You will provide us with details on your expenses and past sales data so that we can have more reasonable projections. The final product will also help you have a tool to use when speaking with lenders and investors. We may also require 2 to 3 meetings via Zoom to ask you questions and present the final document. Sign up at the bottom of this page.
This offer has ended.