Our highest priority is the safety and well-being of our applicants, panelists, and staff. Consistent with expert public health guidance related to the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to postpone MoneyBaltimore until a later date. Once we have chosen a date, we will contact all registrants. Meanwhile, all tickets and sponsorships will be refunded immediately. Thank you! -Will Holmes
MoneyBaltimore is a free annual conference, developed by Will Holmes, Founder of WHC. The conference is designed to connect people to the resources and information they need to be successful. We adjust the focus each year based on the needs of businesses in Baltimore.
The MoneyBaltimore 2020 Global Conference will focus on connecting entrepreneurs and professionals to the local and global economy. This year's event is in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.
Our Theme: Global Vision 2020- Successfully Doing Business Locally and Internationally
Date and Location:
Saturday, April 18th 2020 | 8am to 1:30pm
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
100 International Drive, Baltimore, MD 21202 (map)
Ready to register? Click here for FREE General Admission and Sponsorship Options.

Who Should Attend?
The MoneyBaltimore Conference is designed for startups, growing companies and established Business Owners who have a strong desire to increase their revenue and growth options by marketing to customers locally and in other countries.
The economy is global and today's entrepreneur must consider how to expand their reach to new customers around the world.
If you want to hear from people with international experience who can help you avoid trial and error, you should register to attend.
If you want to share information or market to Business Owners who have a desire to grow their businesses locally and find international customers, you should consider being a Panelist and/ or Sponsor.
The first MoneyBaltimore Conference...
In 2017, WHC hosted the first MoneyBaltimore Conference.
Based on an assessment of the needs of the Baltimore market, we determined that many minority and woman-owned business owners were unaware of the resources available in Baltimore.
Mayor Catherine Pugh addressed the 200+ attendees and our sponsors participated on panels and provided information and resources.
Attendees were very happy with the event and walked away with resources they could use to grow their businesses and hire people in their community. Click here to view the recap video on YouTube.
Location: 24th Floor, JHU Carey Business School
Date: April 18, 2020
8am- Check In: Light Breakfast & Networking with Attendees, Panelists & Sponsors (Room 24C)
8:15am- Opening Remarks: (15 mins)
Welcome: Will Holmes, JHU Carey Business School & Special Guest (Room 24AB)
8:30am- Economic Outlook in Baltimore, US and Abroad: (10 min) Presentation by JHU Carey Business School (Room 24AB)
8:40am- Winning Business in Baltimore: (40 mins)
Panel Topics: Strategies, Resources, Building Capacity, Winning Larger Contracts (Room 24AB)
9:25am- Strategies for Accessing and Using Capital to Grow Globally (40 mins)
Panel Topics: Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies (Room 24AB)
10:10am- Winning Business in Latin America: (40 min)
Panel Topics: Opportunities, Challenges, Government, Working with Local Contacts & Language Barriers (Room 24AB)
10:55am- Winning Business in Africa: (40 min)
Panel Topics: Opportunities, Challenges, Government, Working with Local Contacts & Language Barriers (Room 24AB)
11:40am- Winning Business in Asia: (40 min)
Panel Topics: Opportunities, Challenges, Government, Working with Local Contacts & Language Barriers (Room 24AB)
12:25pm- Closing Remarks & Invitation to Network- Will Holmes & JHU Carey Business School (Room 24AB)
12:30pm to 1:30pm- Networking: Light Refreshments, Mingle with Attendees, Panelists & Sponsors (Room 24C)
1:30pm- Conference Ends
Note: Agenda order is subject to change based on conference needs.

Expert Panels
MoneyBaltmore 2020, in partnership with Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, brings the knowledge and experience of the region's experts to our attendees. Our goal is to facilitate the opportunity for attendees to learn and interact with business leaders with real world experience who can help them avoid trial and error as they expand globally.
MoneyBaltimore 2020 Panels:
- Winning Business in Baltimore
- Strategies for Accessing and Using Capital to Grow Globally
- Winning Business in Latin America
- Winning Business in Africa
- Winning Business in Asia
Panelists are added daily. Once you register, you will be updated as new Expert Panelists are added!
Panel: Winning Business in Baltimore

William Honablew, Jr.
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce

Shawn Gunaratne
Baltimore Development Corporation

Janice Walker-Emeogo
Maryland Department of Labor

Giovanni Delfino
Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Panelist TBA
Panel: Strategies for Accessing and Using Capital to Grow Globally

Jim Peterson
M&T Bank

Taber Small
PNC Bank

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA
Panel: Winning Business in Latin America

Kelly Swann
KTR Partners

Margia Arguello
Innovation Initiatives

Jeffrey Kihien
Ucupacha Trade, LLC

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA
Panel: Winning Business in Africa

Rahel Getachew
Afrolehar Branding

Erastus Mongare

Hamzah ibn El-Amin
El-Amin Enterprises

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA
Panel: Winning Business in Asia

Colleen Fisher
U.S. Department of Commerce

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA
General Admission
For this year's conference, we are limiting the attendees to 100. Our hope is to facilitate a conversation with those ready to do business globally. Click here to register.
For this year's conference, we offer 4 Sponsorship Levels for those organizations who wish to connect to the business owners attending this event.
Bronze- Logo on Conference Marketing Materials, Listing in Conference Booklet, VIP Seating for One Click here to register.
Silver- Logo on Conference Marketing Materials, Half Page Feature in Conference Booklet, VIP Seating for One, Opportunity For Stand Up Banner Inside Conference Click here to register.
Gold- Logo on Conference Marketing Materials, Half Page Feature in Conference Booklet, VIP Seating for Two, Opportunity For Stand Up Banner Inside Conference, Expo Table in Registration/ Networking Room Click here to register.
Platinum- Logo on Conference Marketing Materials, Full Page Feature in Conference Booklet, VIP Seating for Two, Opportunity For Stand Up Banner Inside Conference, Expo Table in Registration/ Networking Room, One Seat as a Panelist on One Panel of Your Choice Click here to register.
We want Attendees and Sponsors to leave this event with new contacts, potential business partners, key resources and a map for international success.
We look forward to seeing you on April 18th!
Will Holmes
Founder, WHC