Welcome to the Baltimore Economic Leadership League (BELL) Homework and Resources Page.

BELL is a free, 6 week online program provided by Will Holmes Consulting. After each online class, return to this page to view updated links to resources and to complete your homework questions.

The purpose of this initiative is to empower aspiring leaders with the information they need to:

  • Start Businesses and Hire Within Their Communities
  • Build and Lead Effective Non-Profit Organizations
  • Organize Community Members and Plan and Develop Effective Movements For Change
  • Prepare businesses for capital (PPP, EIDL, loans, grants)

During the last class, participants will give a 10-15 minute presentation detailing their plan for growing their business/ non-profit/ community initiative.

Participants can schedule calls with Facilitator, Will Holmes to discuss progress, challenges and ideas.

You can also listen to the podcast recordings of the presentations for further assistance.

Friday, June 19: Orientation
During our orientation, we will discuss the program and its purpose. Cohort Members will introduce themselves and their mission. Will Holmes will give a presentation on sustainable organizations, followed by Q&A.

  • 3 minute Introductions by Participants (6pm to 7pm)
  • Presenter: Will Holmes (7pm to 9pm) -Defining your Mission, Building Your Infrastructure and Preparing for Capital
  • Q&A

Click here for Week One Homework Questions. You will receive a copy of your answers in your email.

Audio of Will Holmes' presentation on Creating Sustainable Organizations
12 month Cash Flow Projections Excel Template
Business Plan Template
Wave Accounting
Final Presentation Baltimore Economic Leadership League

Monday, June 22: Leading People
During session 2, our Participants will check in and give us a status update. Then, our Facilitator will lead a panel discussion on creating motivational environments, identifying what drives people and how to focus the energy of a team to accomplish a goal. The panel discussion will be followed by Q&A.

  • Check In with Participants (6pm to 7pm)
  • Facilitator: Will Holmes (7pm to 9pm)
  • Panelists: Rennard Brown, Meshelle Howard, Michelle Valdez, Detra Miller, Lynn Jenkins, Dr. Rhonda Farrell
  • Q&A

Click here for Week 2 Homework Questions. You will receive a copy of your answers in your email. 

Leading a Team (video)
Customer Database (CRM)
Email Marketing and Communication

Monday, June 29: Non-Profit Management and Fundraising
During session 3, our Presenter will talk about how to research funding sources and build a mission and value proposition that attracts donors, sponsors and members. Then, our Facilitator will lead a panel discussion followed by Q&A.

  • Presenter: William Honablew, Jr. (6pm to 7pm)
  • Facilitator: Will Holmes (7pm to 9pm)
  • Panelists:  William Honablew, Jr., Jeff Bryce, Steve Braun, Wanda Draper, Chris Maynard
  • Q&A

Click here for Week 3 Homework Questions. You will receive a copy of your answers in your email. 

Starting A Non-Profit (video)
IRS Guidelines
Top Corporate Givers in Baltimore

Monday, July 6: Building Sustainable Businesses
During session 4, our Participants will check in and share their progress. Then our Facilitator will lead a panel discussion on the basics of accessing capital and finding a customer need and filling it, profitably. The panel discussion will be followed by Q&A.

  • Check In with Participants (6pm to 7pm)
  • Facilitator: Will Holmes (7pm to 9pm)
  • Panelists:  Jim Peterson, Janice Walker-Emeogo, Lynn Jenkins, William Honablew, Jr.
  • Q&A

Click here for Week 4 Homework Questions. You will receive a copy of your answers in your email.

Preparing For Capital (video)
Credit Basics (video)
Selling to Government, Businesses and Customers (video)

Monday, July 13: Planning Your Movement
During session 5, our Presenter will discuss basic management of time, money, people and resources. Then, our Facilitator will lead a panel discussion followed by Q&A.

  • Presenter: Brenda Kwateng, PMP (6pm to 7pm)
  • Facilitator: Will Holmes (7pm to 9pm)
  • Panelists: Venroy July, Phylicia Porter, Rahel Getachew, Jason Bass, William Honablew, Jr., Erastus Mong'are

Click here for Week 5 Homework Questions. You will receive a copy of your answers in your email.

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Business Monthly Budget
Time Management
Project Plan Gantt Chart 

Monday, July 20: Presenting Your Plan
During session 6, cohort members will present their outline for their new business/ non-profit/ community movement.

Each presentation will be 10 to 15 minutes and use the standard presentation format.