Effective Teaming for Student Consultants- 12pm to 1:30pm
CCL Student Consulting Primer Part One- 5pm to 6pm
Zoom Link:
During this 1-hour session, we will discuss how to understand the need, establish the scope and define the business owner’s greatest challenges. We will also review the Client Scope Document and Initial Meeting Script. We will assign homework to help you prepare for your first meeting on Match Day.
- Prepare your team for Match Day.
- Narrow down your expertise to services the client will understand.
- Become familiar with the Scope of Work.
- Become familiar with the Meeting Scripts.
- Get excited. You’re about to change lives of people you’ll never meet for generations to come.
- Match Day Scope of Work form
- Scripts for Client Meetings and Weekly Class Topics
- 12 Month Cash Flow Workbook
- In-Depth Cash Flow Video Tutorial
- Weekly Update Form
MATCH DAY- In Person!
12pm to 1pm
During Match Day you will meet your assigned business. Use the script to guide you as you build rapport and gather information about their needs that your expertise can fill. Balance being creative with staying in your area of expertise. Consultants advise in their areas of expertise. Under promise, overdeliver, stay within the agreed upon scope and keep your client informed every step of the way. If they are wondering, you are not leading. Use the Match Day form as a guide for your conversation. It tells you what to do.
1pm to 2pm
After Match Day, we will discuss how to use the cash flow projections to guide the client through budgeting and planning their growth strategy. Ask the client what they normally spend and ask them if they have plans to do something different in the future. Everything costs money and has dependencies. Use logic to see what needs to be done before any new plans can occur. Also, the client may need capital to make their plans happen. If their projected monthly bank balance is negative, they need capital, more sales or may need to reschedule certain expenses. It is a budget for their plan to be more profitable. The cash flow tool allows them to run scenarios. Help them choose the best path. You will need these skills whenever you consult with any type of client in the future.
- Watch the Cash Flow Video Tutorial.
- Work on the Scope of Work with your team.
- Match Day Scope of Work form
- Scripts for Client Meetings and Weekly Class Topics
- 12 Month Cash Flow Workbook
- In-Depth Cash Flow Video Tutorial
Week One For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Topic: Meet Your Business, Understand the Need, Establish Scope and Write a Proposal
Facilitators: Tracy Akinade and Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: This week your clients are learning how to use their cash flow projections tool and to consider their exit strategy in their pricing. To prepare you to help them, we will discuss the common challenges businesses face and how to create a budget using the cash flow tool that includes aspirational investments. We will also review the scope of Work Document.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Let’s discuss how your meetings have gone so far. Be ready to give an update.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
Also, you should meet with your client and discuss 3 things:
- Their cash flow projections and how they will become more profitable.
- Their greatest challenge and how your expertise can assist.
- Your scope of work and what deliverables you can produce that will provide value.
- Match Day Scope of Work form
- Scripts for Client Meetings and Weekly Class Topics
- 12 Month Cash Flow Workbook
- In-Depth Cash Flow Video Tutorial
- 2021 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 2022 Class Recording Monday | Tuesday
- 2/27/23 Class Recording
- 2/26/24 Class Recording

Week Two For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Topic: Explaining Expenses and Profit to Business Owners and Submitting Your Scope of Work
Facilitator: Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: This week they are learning about building a sustainable business and planning for retirement. To prepare you to help them, we will discuss the path to retirement for most business owners and the importance of using the customer’s money and accessing capital to pay for scaling the business. We will also discuss the Scope of Work. You should be giving your completed Scope of Work to your assigned business this week.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Let’s discuss how your meetings have gone so far. Be ready to give an update.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
Also, please do the following:
You should meet with your business and submit your Scope of Work. If you haven’t sent and/ or received your signed Scope of Work, please make this a priority!
- 12 Month Cash Flow Workbook
- In-Depth Cash Flow Video Tutorial
- Podcast: Building a Sustainable Business Presentation
- Video: Presentation- Building a Sustainable Business
- Video: Panel Discussions- Building a Sustainable Business | Building a Sustainable Business
- Video: Use passcode dwq?H&0B for Budgeting, Pricing and Business Model
- 2021 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 2022 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 3/6/23 Recording
- 3/4/24 Recording

Week Three For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Facilitator: Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: This week they are learning about leading their staff and preparing their business for growth. To prepare you to help them, we will discuss some key concepts on managing a company and preparing it for sale.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Let’s discuss how your meetings have gone so far. Be ready to give an update.
Do well on your exams! Determine if you will meet with your client this week or next week. No class next week due to 2023 Spring Break. Please stay in touch with your client. You should meet with them at least once in between week 3 and 4. If you haven’t received your signed Scope of Work, please make this a priority!
- Recording from 2022 Class: Monday | Tuesday
- 3/13/23 Class Recording
- 3/11/24 Class Recording
SPRING BREAK 3/18-3/24

Week Four For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Facilitator: Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: Last week they learned about marketing and this week they are learning about taxes, insurance, human resources and accounting requirements for their business. To prepare you to help them, we will discuss some essential marketing and tax concepts that business owners need to understand.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Let’s discuss how your meetings have gone so far. Be ready to give an update.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
- Video Presentation- Selling B2G, B2B & B2C
- Video Panels- Selling B2G, B2B & B2C | Selling B2G, B2B & B2C
- Links for Government Contracting
- Class Recording 2022: Monday | Tuesday
- Download: Marketing and Selling B2G, B2B & B2C
- 3/27/23 Class Recording
- 3/25/24 Class Recording

Week Five For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Topic: Credit and Recommendations on Addressing the Greatest Challenge
Facilitator: Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: This week, your client learned about access to capital. To prepare you to help them, we will discuss some essential credit concepts that business owners need to understand. Also, we will discuss tips on meeting deliverables for a client and addressing their greatest challenge.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Let’s discuss how your meetings have gone so far. Be ready to give an update.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
- Podcast Audio
- Video Presentation- Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Taxes & Insurance
- Video Panels- Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Taxes & Insurance
- 2021 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 2022 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 4/3/23 Class Recording
- 4/1/24 Class Recording

Week Six For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Topic: Preparing the Business for the Final Presentation and Delivering Final Recommendations on the Greatest Challenge
Facilitator: Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: This week, your client is working on their final presentation. To prepare you to help them, we will review their final presentation template and give tips on what judges will expect. We will also have an open discussion on your deliverables to your clients. They are due by the end of this week.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Let’s discuss how your meetings have gone so far. Be ready to give an update.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
This week- The Business Owner must complete their final presentation slides but the student should provide guidance and assistance with the numbers. Also, the student team should present their deliverables to their clients this week!
- Student Final Presentation Template
- Audio: Podcast Preparing for Capital
- Video Presentation- Preparing for Capital
- Video Panel- Preparing for Capital
- Customer Demographics: | | Additional Links
- 2022 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 4/10/23 Class Recording
- 4/8/24 Class Recording
Week Seven For Students
5pm to 6pm | Zoom Log In for Students
Topic: Preparation for Business and Student Final Presentations
Facilitator: Will Holmes
I. Updates from JHU
II. How to Advise Your Client: This week, your client is giving their final presentation. They should be ready at this point. Also, you should have given your client your deliverables last week but we will address any lingering questions on your deliverables. We will spend this majority of this session discussing the Student Final Presentation template.
III. Student Q&A and Check-In: Be ready to give an update on your deliverables.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
Student Consultants will advise the Business Owner on completing their Business Presentation. Also, the Student Consultants should work together to create the Student Presentations. In the student’s final presentation, they will discuss the business’s greatest challenge, the recommendations they gave to address that challenge and their observations as the worked with the business to understand their expenses, profit, pricing and revenue projections.
Student should schedule Team Meetings with Will Holmes to discuss and practice their final presentation.
- 2022 Class Recording: Monday | Tuesday
- 4/15/24 Class Recording
Week Eight for Students: CCL Final Presentations for Students
Date TBD
Topic: CCL Student Presentations and Graduation
Facilitators: Tracy Akinade and Will Holmes
During our final 3 hour session, we will bring together all the Students for presentations. Due the number of Students and limited time, we will separate into smaller groups in virtual breakout rooms to hear the presentations. Participants can cheer on the presenters and ask questions about their growth plans. After the presentations are complete, we will have a graduation ceremony. Certificates of Completion will be sent digitally to all Participants who completed the program.
Click here to complete your Weekly Update!
Click here to obtain a Letter of Recommendation.