Weekly Message From The Chair, July 6, 2020

Message #28- 7/6/20

Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Members and Friends,

Summary: In this message, I highlight: events and resources; funding opportunities; job opportunities; offers from Members and info you can use to make better business decisions. Please share this weekly message with 10 people who will benefit. Learn more about us at www.baltimorecitychamber.org. Connect with me on LinkedIn

First, I hope you are safe. If you need assistance with your business, schedule a call with me at https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber.

Second, we had a successful State of the Chamber meeting last Thursday. Click here to download the slides. Click here to for the audio recording. We talked about our tremendous growth, our future plans, new committees and ways for Members to leverage the Chamber.

Third, we have some fantastic webinars coming up. Please support our Chamber Members as you would want them to support you. On July 9th, we will be discussing tips for transitioning your business to the cloud and remote work. On July 14th, we will be discussing clean energy options. On July 16th, we will be discussing how Baltimore’s aerial surveillance technology works. Scroll down to the Events section in this message to learn more.

Fourth, based on your feedback, we have consolidated our resources on a new Resources page on our website. We list links to past webinars, podcasts, local programs and business tools. I have also moved all the business links I normally list at the bottom of these weekly messages to the Chamber’s new Resources page. If you are logged in as a Member, you should be able to access the page. Let me know if you have any difficulty.

Fifth, this Thursday is our Virtual Happy Hour! All are welcome!  Click here to register!  

Sixth, we have started our Summer Membership Drive! For a limited time, take advantage of 2019 pricing by visiting our website www.baltimorecitychamber.org and joining. Or, schedule a call with me first to discuss how the Chamber can benefit you.

Keep reading for this week’s Opportunities and Events! 


Marketing Professionals
Marketing, web design and e-commerce developers are encouraged to fill out our Business to Business Connector form at www.baltimorecitychamber.org. The Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce and the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) are partnering to launch a repository of professional services to provide small businesses with resources to adapt their current model and increase their e-commerce presence. If your company provides products and services to help small businesses launch or expand their e-commerce presence, please sign up!

Wanted! New Committee Members
We are looking for Chamber Members who would like to be active on the following new Committees: Young Professionals; Women’s Leadership; Fundraising; Strategic Partnerships; and Member/ Procurement Office Relations. Interested? Schedule a call with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber.

Chamber VIP Office Day Rental 
Need a safe place to meet with your clients? Come to BrickRose Exchange and use our back-office space, featuring a floor-to-ceiling whiteboard. You can book here: http://brickroseexchange.org/whiteboard-rental. Get some work done in a convenient, quiet, professional environment. Click here to contact Chamber Member, Bianca Jackson with questions.

Handgun Certifications for Chamber Members
Chamber Member, M4 Security is a security guard and investigation agency that provides high-quality training for handgun certification. A special discount is being offered to Chamber Members. Visit this page to learn more: http://www.m4security.us/baltimore-city-chamber-members.html

BRHP Property Partner Orientation
Property owners who participate in the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program are more than landlords to us, they are partners and that’s why we call them property partners. At the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP), we have over 2,000 dedicated property partners that provide a home, a foundation, and a community to over 4,300 deserving families across the Baltimore region. As a valued property owner in the Baltimore region, you are invited to learn more about the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program. On this webinar, you’ll learn how to lease with us, the benefits of our program, anti-discrimination law, how to pass inspections, and more. We want our property partners to be successful and this orientation is the first step. Learn more about BRHP at www.brhp.org. Please register for the orientation at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1621859223465180171

Need Health Care?
Chamber Member, Dr. Shawn Dhillon offers concierge medical care for $99 per month. Have a dedicated physician for less than you would pay for medical insurance. Learn more at https://www.anytimedrs.com.

Need Medical Insurance?
Chamber Member, George Faber can help you find medical coverage. Send him a message at George.Faber@USHAdvisors.com.

Free Consultation for Business Owners
Navigating your employees’ return to the workplace amid COVID-19 concerns will prove trying even for the most seasoned companies. Let Chamber Member, Humanity in HR, LLC help you to charter the unknown waters of COVID-19 by updating policies, improving communication methods, and consulting on various Human Resource issues. Click here for your complimentary consultation.

Products for Re-opening Safely
Chamber Member, Minuteman Press of Baltimore, a local family owned print center, provides products required for Maryland Strong reopening. Minuteman Press can provide personalized masks, hand sanitizer, thermometers, signage, posters, single use menus, and many more products. Check out a sample of their wide range of personalized products required for opening by clicking here.  Contact Minuteman Press of Baltimore for all your printing and COVID-19 opening supplies. They will help you create the right reopening package for your business. Email Barbara at barbara@mmpcrofton.com.


The Paycheck Protection Program has been extended! Check out the details at https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/7010 and https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/cares/assistance-for-small-businesses.

KIVA Loans 
KIVA has funding options for businesses. Click here to learn more. 

Short term commercial loans not based on credit…
If you have submitted an invoice for services and you are waiting to be paid, or if you have a purchase order to fill, but need funding to get started, learn more about WHC’s programs that can help.


Jobs at the Small Business Administration 
The SBA has a variety of temporary jobs to assist with the COVID-19 response. Click here to learn more.

Jobs in Baltimore
The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development has compiled job openings in the area. Click here to learn more.

Department of Labor
The Department of Labor has compiled some job opportunities. Click here to learn more.

If you are an active Baltimore City Chamber Member and you have a special offer for our Members, schedule a call with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber


7/9/20 an 12 noon
Free Webinar: Maximizing Performance in the Cloud
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Enterprises 

Join us for this free, interactive webinar hosted by Chamber Member, Tian McPherson, Owner of McPherson Enterprises. Tian will lead you through the steps for converting to the cloud. Tian will also discuss what is needed to support remote staff and how to keep your data safe and performance high. Click here to register.

7/9/20 at 6pm
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Virtual Happy Hour 

Join us for our July Virtual Happy Hour! This event is open to all. Wear your logo and be ready to toast, mingle and network. Click here to register!  

Reopening of Wellness Today Spa 

Save the date as Chamber Member, Wellness Today reopens and offers Chamber Members a special discount on spa services. Learn more at www.wellnesstodayspa.com

7/14/20 at 5:30pm
Informational Webinar on Clean Energy

Chamber Member, Clean Choice Energy will lead a discussion on options for clean energy. Join CleanChoice Energy Tuesday, July 14 for a Community Solar Power Hour. Learn how you can save up to 10% on your electricity bill & support the clean energy industry in Maryland. Members who subscribe will receive a $150 prepaid gift card as a ‘thank you’ for choosing solar power. All attendees will be entered to win a $50 prepaid gift card. Register on Eventbrite or Contact Kathleen at kathleen.wojtowicz@cleanchoiceenergy.com for more details.

7/16/20 at 12 noon
Informational Webinar on the Aerial Surveillance Program in Baltimore City! We will learn how the technology works from Ross McNutt, Owner of Surveillance Systems. Register on Eventbrite.

7/30/20 at 10am
BRHP Property Partner Orientation Webinar 

As a valued property owner in the Baltimore region, you are invited to learn more about the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program. On this webinar, you’ll learn how to lease with us, the benefits of our program, anti-discrimination law, how to pass inspections, and more. We want our property partners to be successful and this orientation is the first step. Please register for the orientation at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1621859223465180171

Apply for the next Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Cohort!
Applications are open for the free, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program! Click here to learn more and apply.


This list of resources is now on our Chamber Resources Page along with new tools, programs, podcasts and webinars.  

Talk to you next week!

Will Holmes
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
Schedule a call with me: https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber
Learn about the Chamber: http://www.baltimorecitychamber.org
Do business with me: http://www.whcusa.com