Weekly Message from the Chair, January 6, 2020

Message #2- 1/6/20

Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Members,

First, I hope your year is off to a strong start and that your families and businesses are doing well. The Chamber’s focus is Community. So, please let us know what you need in your Neighborhood Community and how we can better connect you to the Business Community in Baltimore. We are here to help you be more successful!

Second, thank you to the 50 Members who scheduled a call with me to discuss what they want from the Chamber!!! Your feedback is shaping what we offer in 2020! I am currently looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, marketing, event hosting and upcoming panels. If you are interested in volunteering, sharing your expertise, gaining more exposure for your business or if you have a business need you want to discuss, here is the link to schedule a call with me: https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber

Third, in case you haven’t heard, I’m your new Chairman of the Board of the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce for 2020 to 2021. My role as Chairman is to create opportunities for our Membership, support our Executive Director, William Honablew, Jr. and support our Committees. Our Executive Director runs the day-to-day activities of the Chamber and directly supports our Members. Both of us are here to help you better connect with other members, resources and your elected officials.

Fourth, each week, I plan to email you opportunities, invitations and information that you will hopefully find valuable. So, here you go:


The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program is recruiting applicants in Maryland for their free training for Business Owners. The application deadline is January 30th 2020. The link to apply is: http://www.10ksbapply.com/Baltimore

The Department of Public Works is starting to recruit for its training program for small businesses. The program costs $199 and is designed to help small business owners better understand how to work with the City of Baltimore. Last year the class ran from March to August. The application is not yet available for the 2020 class, but you can view details and contact information from last year at: https://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/smallbusinessdevelopment

Johns Hopkins University and HopkinsLocal are having a free small business conference on January 29th 2020 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum. If you want to learn how to contract with Hopkins and work with their procurement process, RSVP at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/level-up-with-hopkinslocal-job-seeker-and-small-business-conference-tickets-86597885607?aff=ebdssbeac

Save the date for MiHUB’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium, scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 2020, by the Mid-Atlantic Region Minority Business Development Agency Advanced Manufacturing Center– Baltimore at Morgan State University. You can learn more at: https://baltimorembda.com/event/mihub-artificial-intelligence-ai-symposium-mid-atlantic-region-mbda-amc-baltimore


1/7/20 at 6pm- Chamber Workshop For Non-Profits. Creating a Program That Gets Funded! You can register for this event on our website: www.baltimorecitychamber.org 

1/9/20 at 6pm– Business After Dark! Speed networking, refreshments and fun! Free admission for Chamber Members! You can register for this event on our website: www.baltimorecitychamber.org

1/11/29 at 4pm– Chamber Workshop for Small Businesses. Business Planning! You can register for this event on our website: www.baltimorecitychamber.org

1/16/20 at 6pm– Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Open House! Learn about the success of this free program and how it has helped Business Owners increase revenue, add jobs and have a more positive effect in the community. Click here for Free registration.

1/22/20 at 9am– 4th Wednesday Breakfast and Resources with the Chamber! Every 4th Wednesday, enjoy free admission and connections to resources, answers to business challenges and networking with lenders, agencies and other members at Miss Shirley’s in Roland Park. Miss Shirley’s is a Member of the Chamber and hosts us every 4th Wednesday morning. Please come out to this well-attended event! You can register for this event on our website: www.baltimorecitychamber.org 


The Maryland General Assembly starts its session on Wednesday, January 8th 2020 at 12 noon! Learn about proposed bills that could affect you at:

Want to attend a Board of Estimates meeting or Baltimore City Council meeting to hear from our elected officials? Check out the schedule at: http://www.baltimorecitycouncil.com/complete-calendar

Interested in how the U.S. economy is doing? Here is the most current information from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/news/glance

Interested in how Baltimore is doing economically and health wise? Check out these very interesting reports from the Baltimore Department of Health:

Talk to you next week!


Will Holmes
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
Schedule a call: https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber
Web: http://www.baltimorecitychamber.org 

Here’s a link if you want to learn more about me…