Weekly Message From The Chair, June 22, 2020

 Message #26- 6/22/20

Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Members and Friends,

Summary: In this message, I highlight: events and resources; funding opportunities; job opportunities; offers from Members and info you can use to make better business decisions. Please share this weekly message with 10 people who will benefit. Learn more about us at www.baltimorecitychamber.org.

First, I am really proud of how Chamber Members have stepped up to confront, discuss and address inequalities and challenges in their communities and workplaces. From open discussions to protests to new initiatives, Members are looking for better ways to move forward together. Thank you.

Second, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 was signed into law on June 3rd, giving more favorable terms to businesses who receive the PPP. Check out the details at https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/7010. The deadline to apply is June 30th!!!

Third, if you are looking for ways to get connected to more customers and build your capacity, I recommend joining the Chamber. Schedule a call with me so we can discuss what the Chamber can do for you.

Fourth, Hopkins Local and the Mayor’s Office have some great events coming up this week:

  • Click here to participate in today’s (6/22/20) 2pm, online information session for employees and employers on “Transitioning Back to Work,” hosted by the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and the Department of Labor.
  • Click here to learn more about the Hopkins Local “Legal Considerations For Reopening” webinar on 6/25/20.

Fifth, Members have asked me for some help securing their data as they move to the cloud. I mentioned this to Chamber Member, Tian McPherson and he responded by offering a free assessment to any Chamber Member. For more info, contact Tian at  tian.mcpherson@mcpherson-enterprises.com. You can also attend his free webinar on July 9th. Click here to register.

Sixth, I invite you to our July General Membership Meeting. It will be virtual and I will discuss the State of the Chamber, our future plans and our growth since January. We would normally do this at our Annual Meeting, but due to social distancing and health concerns, this will be done via the internet in a shortened, interactive, online discussion. You are encouraged to bring your questions and ideas as we craft the future of this organization together. Click here to register.

Seventh, The Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce and the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) are partnering to launch a repository of professional services to provide small businesses with resources to adapt their current model and increase their e-commerce presence. If your company provides products and services to help small businesses launch or expand their e-commerce presence, please sign up by filling out the brief form at https://baltimorecitychamberofcommerceinc.wildapricot.org/b2b or contact me at willholmesconsulting@gmail.com.

Eighth, if we are not already connected on social media, let’s connect on Facebook (Chamber / Me) and LinkedIn (Chamber / Me) so, in between weekly messages, you can stay informed.

Keep reading for this week’s Opportunities, Events and Information! 



American Cancer Society
Cancer hasn’t stopped. So neither have we. Help us keep lifesaving support, information, and resources available to vulnerable cancer patients during COVID-19. Visit www.cancer.org or contact 1-800-227-2345 for cancer resources and information. We are also looking for volunteers, committee members for local events and silent auction items. Email Chamber Member, Christine.Schifkovitz@cancer.org to get involved.

BJ’s Membership Cancer Fundraiser
All regular and business memberships normally $55 will be $25. Business Rewards normally $110 are now $40 with 2% cash back. Personal rewards normally $110 now are $50 with 2% cash back. Offer not valid online or in stores. Call Mike at 732-890-9480 or email mjennings@bjs.com. $5 per application will go towards the American Cancer Society. Sign-ups valid from 6/2- 6/16 will go toward the fundraiser.

Products for Reopening Safely
Chamber Member, Minuteman Press of Baltimore, a local family owned print center, provides products required for Maryland Strong reopening. Minuteman Press can provide personalized masks, hand sanitizer, thermometers, signage, posters, single use menus, and many more products. Check out a sample of their wide range of personalized products required for opening by clicking here.  Contact Minuteman Press of Baltimore for all your printing and COVID-19 opening supplies. They will help you create the right reopening package for your business. Email Barbara at barbara@mmpcrofton.com.
Business Advice and Executive Coaching
WHC Founder, Will Holmes offers a Business Coaching program for Business Owners who need better solutions for connecting with contract opportunities offered by government agencies and large companies. Click here to learn more.


Department of Treasury
Read more about the current process for qualifying for loans and grants from the Federal programs.

KIVA Loans 
KIVA has funding options for businesses. Click here to learn more. 

Short term commercial loans not based on credit…
If you have submitted an invoice for services and you are waiting to be paid, or if you have a purchase order to fill, but need funding to get started, learn more about WHC’s programs that can help.


Jobs at the Small Business Administration 
The SBA has a variety of temporary jobs to assist with the COVID-19 response. Click here to learn more.

Jobs in Baltimore
The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development has compiled job openings in the area. Click here to learn more.

Department of Labor
The Department of Labor has compiled some job opportunities. Click here to learn more.

If you are an active Baltimore City Chamber Member and you have a special offer for our Members, schedule a call with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber


Baltimore Business Lending

Join Baltimore Business Lending for Coffee with Capital Virtually. This is an online discussion on access to capital for startups and growing business. Click here to register.

7/2/20 at 6pm
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting 

Our July General Membership Meeting is open to all. We’ll give a State of the Chamber, discuss resources and solutions and we’ll network. Click here to register.

7/9/20 an 12 noon
Free Webinar: Maximizing Performance in the Cloud
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Enterprises 

Join us for this free, interactive webinar hosted by Chamber Member, Tian McPherson, Owner of McPherson Enterprises. Tian will lead you through the steps for converting to the cloud. Tian will also discuss what is needed to support remote staff and how to keep your data safe and performance high. Click here to register.

7/9/20 at 6pm
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Virtual Happy Hour 

Join us for our July Virtual Happy Hour! This event is open to all. Wear your logo and be ready to toast, mingle and network. Click here to register!  

Reopening of Wellness Today Spa 

Save the date as Chamber Member, Wellness Today reopens and offers Chamber Members a special discount on spa services. Learn more about the Wellness Today Experience and ask for the “Will Holmes Special” at www.wellnesstodayspa.com

Apply for the next Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Cohort!
Applications are open for the free, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program! Click here to learn more and apply.


SCORE 12 month Cash Flow Projections- Need a better way to plan your spending and sales goals? Download a 12 month cash flow statement from SCORE and start planning your growth! Click here for details.

Baltimore City Procurement Database- Interested in doing business in Baltimore? Click here to learn how you can be a city contractor.

Anne Arundel County Procurement Database- Anne Arundel County has their new contractor database up and running. This database will be a resource to all the agencies when looking for small businesses for procurement opportunities. The Anne Arundel County eProcurement system will be known as P.O.R.T. (Procurement Operations Resource Technology). Click here to learn more. 

State of Maryland Procurement Database- EMMA is the new E Maryland Marketplace Advantage website for procurement opportunities. You can see contract opportunities and contact instructions to help you get connected to the right people. Click here to learn more.

MDOT Certification– Ever consider doing business with the State of Maryland? If you have plans to grow, the certification process could open up new opportunities for new revenue. Click here to learn more.

Baltimore Demographics- Ever wonder where to find info on demographics in Baltimore? Click here to see this summary by the Census Bureau.

Maryland Wealth- Interested in seeing stats on Maryland’s wealth and its tax revenue for each city and county? Click here to view the report from the Department of Legislative Services Office of Policy Analysis.

Connect with City Leadership- Want to attend a Board of Estimates meeting or Baltimore City Council meeting to hear from our elected officials? Check out the schedule at: http://www.baltimorecitycouncil.com/complete-calendar

U.S. Economy- Interested in how the U.S. economy is doing? Here is the most current information from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/news/glance

Talk to you next week!

Will Holmes
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
Schedule a call with me: https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber
Learn about the Chamber: http://www.baltimorecitychamber.org
Do business with me: http://www.whcusa.com