Weekly Message From The Chair, March 23, 2020

Message #13- 3/23/20

Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Members,

Summary: In this message, I highlight: COVID-19 resources; our upcoming Virtual General Body Meeting; 3 contract opportunities; 2 job opportunities; offers from Members and info you can use to make better business decisions. Please share this weekly message with 10 people who will benefit. 

First, my hope is that this message finds you healthy. Obviously, we are in uncertain times. And more than ever, the Chamber must do it’s part to connect the Baltimore Business Community to resources. Click here to view our webpage with COVID-19 resources including SBA Emergency Loans, Unemployment Procedures and links to services to help your business. You can also click here to schedule a call to talk about your options. This is what we do in good economies and bad. We connect you to what you need for your business. We are here to help.

Second, if you need to talk about laying off your staff, we have resources to help you do that ethically. Chamber Member, Steve Braun is available to talk about options that will help you right-size your business and help find jobs, training and options for staff. Contact Steve at sbraun@searchconsultants.org

Third, we will have our April General Body Meeting via webinar on Thursday, April 2nd. We will have an open discussion about current business challenges, layoffs, funding options and how to prepare for a recession as best we can. We will send the link next week and update the website with login directions.

Fourth, send me your Job Postings, Special Offers and Requests for Proposals/ Bids and I will post them in an upcoming Weekly Message! This message goes out to thousands of readers each week. And it’s free to Members to post your information and offers. So, email me and I will give you details on what info I need.

Fifth, if you want to share feedback or want to schedule a call with me, you can always do so by clicking here. Each week, I plan to use this message to connect you with opportunities, invitations and information that you will hopefully find valuable. So, here you go:


Free Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program
Applications are now open for the last cohort of 2020. Are you a Business Owner who has been in business at least 2 years? Do you have at least 2 employees? Learn more about this free training program that has helped over 60% of its scholars increase revenue within 6 months of graduation at https://www.10ksbapply.com/Baltimore Request for Proposals
Spring is springing and Anne Arundel County is sprucing up the County’s baseball fields. So, if you are able to replace the dirt, sift it and smooth it out on the fields, check out this copy of the Bid Proposal for Solicitation 20000131 that is currently out for advertising. Training Opportunity
Interested in learning how to fly a drone or sponsor a trainee? The drone industry is expanding. For more information, contact Keith Small at ksmall@initiativesinc.org Chamber Member Discount on Massage
Chamber Member, Wellness Today Spa is offering a 10% discount on 50 minute massages. Simply, email contact@wellnesstodayspa.com for more information and to schedule your massage.
Request for Proposals
The New Broadway East Community Association is looking for a contractor to perform sidewalk patch repair in about 10-20 tree pits, and removal of 8-10 trees, including stumps. Click here to see the information packet with contact information. Invitation for Bid
Anne Arundel County is looking for bids for Fiber Construction and Repair Services. Click here to see the information packet with contact information. Job Opening 
A local non-proft is looking for a new Executive Director. Experience running a non-profit is preferred. Contact Steve Braun for more details at sbraun@searchconsultants.org Job Opening
A local company is hiring Business to Business Sales Representatives. Experience with selling to businesses, working with ADP or selling business equipment is preferred. Contact Steve Braun for more details at sbraun@searchconsultants.org Special Offer
Chamber Member, Global Innovation Strategies wants to see your business THRIVE. Your mission understood and optimized, is how to ensure your success. Till March 31, 2020 ONLY, each entrepreneur, solo-preneur, small business owner, non-profit, or community leader associated with the Baltimore Chamber will receive a COMPLIMENTARY 30 minute business performance and value enhancement call. Schedule a call today by reaching out via email to ceo@gblinnovstratllc.com to see how your business can THRIVE in 2020!

If you are an active Baltimore City Chamber Member and you have a special offer for our Members, schedule a call with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber


4/2/20 at 6pm- General Body Meeting via Webinar. Log-in instructions will be available next week. 

4/22/20 at 9am- 4th Wednesday Breakfast and Resources with the Chamber! Pending COVID-19 status, we may need to skip March and April. But for now, we are hopeful we can meet in person and reconvene in April to enjoy free admission and connections to resources, answers to business challenges and networking with lenders, agencies and other Members at Miss Shirley’s in Roland Park. Miss Shirley’s is a Member of the Chamber and is the Venue Sponsor every 4th Wednesday morning. Please come out to this well-attended event! You can click here to learn about Sponsorship Opportunities or you can register for this event on our website: www.baltimorecitychamber.org

6/3/2020 at 9am- 2020 Baltimore City HUBZone Workshop! Learn about the SBA’s new HUBZone regulations, network with Federal Agency procurement representatives and gain knowledge on how you can use the HUBZone designation to your advantage when pursuing government contracts. Click here to RSVP and learn more.


COVID-19 Updates, Funding and Resources Compiled by the Baltimore City Chamber: Click Here!

Free Resources from the U.S. Small Business Administration
Looking for free services, funding opportunities and programs for business owners who want to grow? Check out the tools and services offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration in their official resource download. Click here to download their PDF.

Real Estate and Investor Tools- Thinking about buying property in the City of Baltimore? Before you buy, check out this great tool with info on zoning, planned projects and other important information. Click here to learn more.

MDOT Certification– Ever consider doing business with the State of Maryland? If you have plans to grow, the certification process could open up new opportunities for new revenue. Click here to learn more.

Baltimore Demographics- Ever wonder where to find info on demographics in Baltimore? Click here to see this summary by the Census Bureau.

Maryland Wealth- Interested in seeing stats on Maryland’s wealth and its tax revenue for each city and county? Click here to view the report from the Department of Legislative Services Office of Policy Analysis.

Connect with City Leadership- Want to attend a Board of Estimates meeting or Baltimore City Council meeting to hear from our elected officials? Check out the schedule at: http://www.baltimorecitycouncil.com/complete-calendar

U.S. Economy- Interested in how the U.S. economy is doing? Here is the most current information from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/news/glance

Talk to you next week!


Will Holmes
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
Schedule a call with me: https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber
Web: http://www.baltimorecitychamber.org