Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Members and Friends,
Summary: In this message, I highlight: events and resources; funding opportunities; job opportunities; offers from Members and info you can use to make better business decisions. Please share this weekly message with 10 people who will benefit. Learn more about us at and I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn.
First, I’m weighing options for our 2020 Chamber Holiday Party. Perhaps, we move up the date to take advantage of warmish weather and have an outdoor gathering in early October. Or, maybe we find a space that allows for adequate social distancing for a November or December event. Or, maybe we just don’t have a party this year and err on the side of caution. Send me an email and tell me what you think. Your opinion matters!
Second, I want to thank all those who have donated to my Real Men Wear Pink fundraiser for cancer research. So far, we have raised $1676 with a minimum goal of $2500. I lost my Mom to cancer in 2007 and I hope that through more research, scientists will develop better treatments and eventually a cure. If cancer has affected you or your family, or if you’d like to support this worthy cause, join me on my Real Men Wear Pink profile page:
Third, we have 3 New Committees.
If you are interested in being active on the Women’s Leadership, Young Professionals or Procurement Relations committees, email me by September 10th. These committees will be highly visible and I need “Doers” who see the value and are willing to put in work without excuses. You must be a Member of the Chamber to be on a committee.
Fourth, our monthly Virtual Happy Hour is this Thursday. It’s a great opportunity to network and meet people who want to do business and make money. We do a toast every 15 minutes while we introduce ourselves and talk about the organizations we represent. Click here to register!
Fifth, the Baltimore City Chamber was mentioned in an interview with Entrepreneur Magazine! Chamber Member, Desyree Dixon, Owner of Bolton Therapy and Wellness mentioned us numerous times in her interview as she described the resources that she used to grow her business. Click here to watch the video interview. Special thanks to Desyree for the accolades. It really means a lot.
Sixth, on September 24th, the Chamber is partnering with the Federal Reserve Bank for an Economic Update. This free webinar is important because this session will help you gain perspective on where the economy is going so you can make any needed allowances in your budgeting, hiring and expansion plans. Click here to register.
Seventh, if you are not yet a Member, take advantage of 2019 pricing with our Summer Membership Drive! Visit our website and click “Membership/ Join The Chamber.” Pricing starts at $30! We are on track to reach 400 Members and I want you to be a part of our growth and have access to all the resources we provide!
Eighth, Chamber Member, John Hopkins is having a webinar on Wednesday, September 9th called “Reopening Your Business & Supporting Your Employees.” In case you have missed these valuable sessions, Johns Hopkins University has hosted numerous webinars highlighting local entrepreneurs and resources. I recommend following their Facebook page at to stay updated and to register for their events.
Ninth, Chamber Member, Meredith Hurston at Buy Black Baltimore 365 is inviting all of metro-Baltimore’s Black-owned businesses to showcase their business by listing with their online directory and mobile app. Buy Black Baltimore 365 offers social media promotion, advertising, and a community newsletter for their members. To learn more about their offerings, please visit:
Tenth, I highly recommend registering for the September 22nd training class called “State Procurement 101.” This class is for small businesses that have little or no knowledge of the state procurement process. We’ll focus on common procurement terminology, examine how the state contracting arena operates, and provide resources to help you determine if pursuing work in the public sector would be beneficial to your company. This class is being presented by Alison Tavik, Director of Communications and Outreach for the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs. Click here to register.
Eleventh, check out You can list your business there for free and find local businesses to support. They recently interviewed me for their podcast. Once the podcast audio is posted, I will share the link.
Keep reading for this week’s Opportunities and Events!
Cloud-Based Tools for Your Business
NOFA Business Consulting is introducing Encore. Encore is a cloud-based solution providing the tools to help you effectively manage your entire mobile workforce from a single command center. Sporting a user-friendly, easy to implement platform, Encore allows your business to perform at its optimum level, regardless of your industry. Encore can streamline your business practices by automating and digitizing your current processes to reduce your overall labor expenses. Encore can minimize errors and help you complete jobs the right way the first time around for an improved customer experience. And Encore can utilize your smart devices to record what your employees work on, where they work, and how long they spend working. For more information, book a consultation with Farhad: (
Curated Personal Connections
Chamber Member, Salil Choudhary would like to invite you to his new group called “Aligning Stars.” Aligning Stars is an Elite Matchmaking & Event Planning Service where they hand pick potential matches for face-to-face meetups. If interested in learning more, upload your profile and book a session at You can also contact Salil & Meenu Choudhary at for more details.
Luxury Apartments
Greetings Baltimore City Chamber Members, we are excited to announce the arrival of Alta Brewers Hill, the newest apartment community in the Brewers Hill neighborhood of Canton, Baltimore. We offer 1, 2, and 3 bedroom luxury apartment homes and townhouses, along with a great location with premiere amenities, and garage parking. We are offering virtual, in-person, and self-guided tours and would love to schedule yours today. For more information, visit us online at We look forward to hosting a future Chamber event!! Thanks for the warm welcome!
Support for Foster Youth
Resiliently You Community Resource Center Inc is a 501c3 organization that helps former foster youth ages 21-25 heal from the residual effects of personal and family addiction through housing, mental health, and peer recovery. We are selling shirts in an effort to build our housing component of our program, entitled Mo’s House. Mo’s House is a housing unit that will be utilized to reduce homelessness in the foster care alumni population. Mo’s House will provide support for up to 18 months and has an emergency shelter service that can provide support for up to 90 days. To learn more about our organization, please visit
Marketing Help
With the current market disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, marketing plans need to be adapted to changes in consumer behavior and demand. 444 Ignite Consulting, a strategic marketing consultancy and services company, has relevant in-market data to better predict outcomes. Describe your consumer from the engagements with your brand to behaviors, attitudes, lifestyles, media use and preferences, information sources and every nuance that can guide in the creation of strategies and actionable tactics. For a free consultation and demonstration please contact Edward Ramsey at or go to our website at
Solar Power
Subscribe to a Community Solar Farm in Baltimore County and save up to 10 percent on your energy costs. Chamber Members who subscribe will receive $150 for supporting clean energy in Maryland. Email for more information or to enroll today.
Need Health Care?
Chamber Member, Dr. Shawn Dhillon offers concierge medical care for $99 per month. Have a dedicated physician for less than you would pay for medical insurance. Learn more at
Need Medical Insurance?
Chamber Member, George Faber can help you find medical coverage. Send him a message at
Handgun Certifications for Chamber Members
Chamber Member, M4 Security is a security guard and investigation agency that provides high-quality training for handgun certification. A special discount is being offered to Chamber Members. Visit this page to learn more:
Accounting Services
Chamber Member, A Little Faith Accounting & Tax Services, LLC, a local accounting firm determined to provide unforgettable service to individuals and small businesses. They provide accounting, payroll and tax preparation services to small and mid sized businesses in and around the Baltimore Metro area and assist individuals and small businesses with other financial services, such as budgeting, loan applications, financial planning and other similar areas. Visit their website,, to find out more info and to sign up for their monthly newsletter. If you’d like to set up an initial consultation, call Mr. Jackson at 443-343-2484.
Registry for Black-Owned Businesses
Chamber Member, Meredith Hurston at Buy Black Baltimore 365 is inviting all of metro-Baltimore’s Black-owned businesses to showcase their business by listing with their online directory and mobile app. Buy Black Baltimore 365 offers social media promotion, advertising, and a community newsletter for their members. To learn more about their offerings, please visit:
Baltimore Business Lending
Baltimore Business Lending’s mission is to ensure access to capital for small business creation in Baltimore City, which will, in turn, provide employment opportunities to strengthen the economy of the city and increase the availability of goods and services to Baltimore City neighborhoods. Learn more about their programs at
Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority Fund
Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority Fund will provide emergency financial relief to businesses that have experienced economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis with low-interest rate, low-documentation loans. Loans range from $25k to $200k for eligible Maryland businesses. MSBDFA promotes the viability and expansion of businesses owned by economically and socially disadvantaged entrepreneurs. Meridian Management Group is handling the applications. Learn more at
KIVA Loans
KIVA has funding options for businesses. Click here to learn more.
Short term commercial loans not based on credit…
If you have submitted an invoice for services and you are waiting to be paid, or if you have a purchase order to fill, but need funding to get started, learn more about WHC’s programs that can help.
Jobs at the Small Business Administration
The SBA has a variety of temporary jobs to assist with the COVID-19 response. Click here to learn more.
Jobs in Baltimore
The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development has compiled job openings in the area. Click here to learn more.
Department of Labor
The Department of Labor has compiled some job opportunities. Click here to learn more.
If you are an active Baltimore City Chamber Member and you have a special offer for our Members, schedule a call with Will Holmes at
9/10/20 at 6pm
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Virtual Happy Hour
Join us for our monthly Virtual Happy Hour! This event is open to all. Wear your logo and be ready to toast, mingle and network. Click here to register!
State Procurement 101
This class is for small businesses that have little or no knowledge of the state procurement process. We’ll focus on common procurement terminology, examine how the state contracting arena operates, and provide resources to help you determine if pursuing work in the public sector would be beneficial to your company. This class is being presented by Alison Tavik, Director of Communications and Outreach for the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs. Click here to register.
9/24/20 at 2pm
Federal Reserve Bank Webinar- Economic Update
The Baltimore City Chamber is teaming up with the Federal Reserve Bank on September 24th for a webinar at 2pm! Please join Tom Barkin, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, for a conversation on the economy, recent Fed actions, and prospects for recovery. The webinar will include time for questions and an opportunity for attendees to share their perspective on what is happening on the ground and within their respective industries. Click here to register.
Baltimore Children’s Business Fair
The Baltimore Children’s Business Fair is seeking sponsors, judges, speakers, and volunteers to help support their 4th Annual Baltimore Children’s Business Fair on October 10th and educational programming for the 2020-21 school year. The Baltimore Children’s Business Fair is a non-profit organization. Please contact Janear Garrus at to learn more.
10/1/20 at 6pm
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting
Our monthly General Membership Meeting is open to all. We’ll give you an update on Chamber business, highlight Members, discuss resources and share solutions. And of course, we’ll network. Click here to register.
10/8/20 at 6pm
Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Virtual Happy Hour
Join us for our monthly Virtual Happy Hour! This event is open to all. Wear your logo and be ready to toast, mingle and network. Click here to register!
Apply for the January 2021 Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Cohort!
Earn more that $100k? Applications are open for the free, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program! Click here to learn more and apply.
Talk to you next week!

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
Schedule a call with me:
Do business with me:
Check out my podcast: