• Facilitate training and business advice for 25 aspiring and established business owners
  • Provide 6 learning sessions and 1 preparation session to assist business owners in developing a final business presentation
  • Facilitate learning sessions where participants are introduced to topics and practical information necessary for running the day-to-day operations of a growing business
  • Develop interactive learning sessions where participants hear from and interact with the facilitator who shares practical information on business management and then, from a panel of experienced subject matter experts with various perspectives and different backgrounds
  • Facilitate opportunities for participants for hands on learning, interaction with other participants and interaction with practitioners and subject matter experts
  • Create environments for learning with participants at similar growth points
  • Ensure business owners understand their pricing model, profit margins, monthly expenses and revenue and sales goals
  • Measure the learning of presented information with weekly homework assignments and a final business presentation on April 20, 2021 
  • Facilitate effective communication between Business Owners and Students 

To graduate, Businesses must:

  • Attend class
  • Submit weekly homework assignments
  • Meet with their assigned students and discuss recommendations to address greatest challenge
  • Give a Practice Presentation on April 12th or 13th 2021
  • Give a Final 15 minute presentation on April 20th 2021




  • Facilitate training and business advice for 50 aspiring consultants 
  • Provide 5 learning sessions to prepare students to assist their assigned business owners in identifying solutions for their greatest challenge
  • Provide instruction to students on how to educate their assigned businesses on expenses, profit, pricing and revenue 
  • Facilitate learning sessions where participants are introduced to topics and practical information necessary for running the day-to-day operations of a growing business
  • Develop interactive learning sessions where participants hear from and interact with the facilitator who shares practical information on essential consulting techniques
  • Create environments for practical application with assigned businesses 
  • Measure the learning of presented information with weekly homework assignments and a final student presentation on April 27, 2021
  • Facilitate effective communication between Students and Business Owners 

To receive your Certificate of Achievement and Letter of Recommendation, Students must:

  • Attend class
  • Submit weekly homework assignments
  • Meet with their assigned business and discuss recommendations to address their greatest challenge 
  • Prepare a list of recommendations to the business that will address their greatest challenge by April 5th
  • Help their assigned businesses prepare for their final presentation by April 20th 
  • Give a final 15 minute presentation on April 27th 


Important Links:

Business Advisory Calls with Will Holmes: https://whc.as.me/ccl

General Questions: Tracy Akinade tracy.akinade@jhu.edu 

Questions for Will? Email Tatiana@whcusa.com

Template for Business Presentation for Businesses (Due April 20, 2021)

Template for Student Presentations for Students (Due April 27, 2021)