Weekly Message From The Chair, April 13, 2020

Message #16- 4/13/20

Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Members and Friends,

Summary: In this message, I highlight: COVID-19 resources; funding opportunities; health care options, job opportunities; offers from Members and info you can use to make better business decisions. Please share this weekly message with 10 people who will benefit. 

I want to hear how you are doing. Respond to this message or send me an email at willholmesconsulting@gmail.com and let me know if you need something or if you just want to tell me you’re doing ok. If you are having challenges, remember to check our webpage for updated resources. We keep it updated.

Let’s jump right to Opportunities, Events and Information:  


Stock Market
While the stock market is down, there are opportunities to purchase stocks at very low prices. I use the RobinHood app. It’s free and easy to use. Here is a link to get started.

Jobs at the Small Business Administration 
The SBA has a variety of temporary jobs to assist with the COVID-19 response. Click here to learn more.

Jobs in Baltimore
The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development has compiled job openings in the area. Click here to learn more.

Department of Labor
The Department of Labor has compiled some job opportunities. Click here to learn more.

Feeling stressed, burnt-out or unsure? Need someone to talk to?
Click here to schedule a free phone consultation with K. Rattray, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

Need Health Care?
Chamber Member, Dr. Shawn Dhillon offers concierge medical care for $99 per month. Have a dedicated physician for less than you would pay for medical insurance. Learn more at https://www.anytimedrs.com.

Loans and Grants
Department of Treasury
Read more about the process for getting loans and grants and all the Federal programs.

SBA Disaster Loans  
The SBA has emergency funding for businesses affected by COVID-19. Click here to learn more.

KIVA Loans 
KIVA has funding options for businesses. Click here to learn more. 

Short term loans for invoices and purchase orders…
If you have submitted an invoice for services or have a purchase order to fill but need funding now, learn more about WHC’s programs that can help.

Free Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program
Applications are now open for the last cohort of 2020. Are you a Business Owner who has been in business at least 2 years? Do you have at least 2 employees? Learn more about this free training program that has helped over 60% of its scholars increase revenue within 6 months of graduation at https://www.10ksbapply.com/Baltimore

If you are an active Baltimore City Chamber Member and you have a special offer for our Members, schedule a call with Will Holmes at https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber


April 17, 24 and May 1st- Free, 3 Week Online Course for Restarting your Business in this Economy. Click here to register. 

5/7/20 at 6pm- May General Membership Meeting. Open to all. We’ll discuss resources, solutions and we’ll network. Please save the date. 

5/14/20 at 6pm- May Virtual Happy Hour! Open to all. Wear your logo and be ready to mingle and network. Please save the date.  


MDOT Certification– Ever consider doing business with the State of Maryland? If you have plans to grow, the certification process could open up new opportunities for new revenue. Click here to learn more.

Baltimore Demographics- Ever wonder where to find info on demographics in Baltimore? Click here to see this summary by the Census Bureau.

Maryland Wealth- Interested in seeing stats on Maryland’s wealth and its tax revenue for each city and county? Click here to view the report from the Department of Legislative Services Office of Policy Analysis.

Connect with City Leadership- Want to attend a Board of Estimates meeting or Baltimore City Council meeting to hear from our elected officials? Check out the schedule at: http://www.baltimorecitycouncil.com/complete-calendar

U.S. Economy- Interested in how the U.S. economy is doing? Here is the most current information from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis: https://www.bea.gov/news/glance

Talk to you next week!

Will Holmes
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce
Schedule a call with me: https://whc.as.me/baltimorechamber
Web: http://www.baltimorecitychamber.org